Week Two: What’s Your Joy List?

This quote right here may be my favorite JOY quote of all time. How many times have YOU battled to find JOY in your days? For those of you that have followed me for awhile you KNOW all the crazy stuff I have been through in the past few years…enough to suck the JOY right out of ANYONE! Holy Heck!

And while I have lived on Auto-Pilot off and on for years (if you don’t know what Auto-Pilot is it’s when we feel so stuck, so scared in our life that we just sit and stare off and stop living!! I wrote an entire year-long course all about how to get UNSTUCK!!) JOY always manages to seep in, light me up and give me energy to KEEP MOVING FORWARD! I NEVER give up the battle to find my JOY!!

Bringing JOY to Our Days

WOW!! This quote is sure speaking to me…BIG TIME! Looking back on my life I can’t begin to count all the times stress has overtaken me, paralyzed me and ruined my day…all because I am focusing on the ending…rather than the here and NOW. Stress is is a JOY SUCKER…Stress takes a perfectly good day and RUINS it!

What if we learned how to carry ALL things in JOY? What if we decided TODAY that NO MATER WHAT we were gonna face our days moment by moment rather than stress by stress.

Last week I invited you to create two pages in your art journals…one showing what stress and anger and sadness and frustration looks like and the other one what happiness, peace and JOY looks like. Here are mine…

I LOVED this exercise!! It’s just so great to have a visual of what my emotions LOOK like! If you haven’t done this yet I encourage you to…it brought me so much JOY!

This week I invite you to create TWO LISTS in your journals. One page should say…”What Brings JOY to My Everyday?” and the other list should say…”What Sucks the JOY Right Out of My Days?” Don’t feel like you have to fill your pages right away…rather let ideas come slowly throughout the week. Try catching yourself in a JOY-filled act or JOY-sucking act. Then WRITE IT DOWN!

Obviously we all have responsibilities that probably don’t light us up and fill us with JOY. Maybe our job sucks the JOY out or housework or dishes (me) or whatever. And yes, we still have to do those things…we do live in the real world after-all. The trick is to NOT let those JOY sucking activities phase us. We must put on our Armor of JOY in order to live a JOY-filled life.

We MUST have an ATTITUDE that supports peace, happiness, harmony and JOY. We become STRONGER when we keep JOY and Happiness and Peace with us no matter what! So this week let’s start recognizing what TRUE JOY feels like.

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