My Heart is Calling

It’s Been a Long Time

The last time I wrote a blog past was about 9 months ago. It’s hard for me to believe it’s been that long. I began keeping a blog back in 2006 or 2007 on Blogger…writing my family stories, sharing my art work and thoughts on life. I rarely missed a week…many times sharing two or three times in one week. In 2018 I moved my Blog to WordPress and used it solely for my on-line class “I Say Yes”. Eventually I got out of the habit of posting but not the habit of writing.

Last November I picked up a brand new notebook, stickers and colored pens and began what made me fall in love with writing in the first place…journaling. Oh how GOOD it felt to write my thoughts, ideas and feelings down in a book! The more I wrote, the more I fell in love with writing again and the more I fell in love with writing again the more I felt called to start my blog back up.

What to Write About?

It’s been nearly a year since I picked up my journal practice and I have learned so much. The main lesson has been…the more I write the more I write. And the more I write, the easier the words and ideas flow. It’s like creativity…you can’t use it up you just get more creative!

So here I sit at the computer once more writing. What do I want to write about? So many things. Mainly about my observations of others, of myself, what I am learning.

I wrote a weekly newspaper column for 5 years. Let me tell you…that’s no easy task! So many topics to come up with!! But just like my journal practice this past year…the more I wrote the easier it was to come up with subjects. And honestly the best way I know how to come up with ideas is to just LISTEN to the people around you…everyone has a story to be told, a lesson to be learned.

Writing and Art Journaling

Here’s what you can expect from my blog…

  1. One to two posts per week on anything from lessons I have learned, my Faith, art journaling ideas, creative projects, etc.
  2. Ideas YOU can use in your journals, your art, your life
  3. Me being REAL…ALWAYS!

Along with my passion for writing…I am in LOVE with Art Journaling and sharing ideas. So for me it’s natural to mix words and pictures and paint and share my ideas with YOU. In fact I have several ideas from my on-line class “I Say Yes” you can access anytime!

Just look at the top of my blog and click on “I Say Yes” or Fifty Ideas for your Journals.

You can follow me on Instagram for lots of art and health ideas, too!

So WELCOME to my Blog! I am back and ready to encourage, uplift and inspire you with words, art and my love of God, Family and the world around me.

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